Joaquin Bordado is story of a man who works as an assassin of a secret group under the leadership of a man named General Russo (starred by Eddie Garcia). Joaquin Apacible (starred by Robin Padilla) masquerades his job as an assassin to a simple sales agent. Unfortunately, at on time Joaquin was assigned for a specific mission, he failed to eliminate a child who became a witness of what Joaquin just did. In so doing, Joaquin got caught by the authorities.
Since Joaquin did not kill the remaining child, the child witnessed against Joaquin, which caused the latter to be sentenced for imprisonment. Consequentially, General Russo decides he would not help Joaquin for his own carelessness. General Russo would not take the risk of being involved in the crime since his reputation would also be affected.
General Russo would want Joaquin dead instead of letting him live. He plans everything that could destroy Joaquin; until one time, Jilco (Starred by Pen Medina), the last descendant of Bordados, chooses Joaquin to be heir of the powers of the Bordados. Even if Joaquin gets killed in the prison due to General Russo’s command, Joaquin lives again after Jilco transferred the powers of the Bordados in Joaquin. Jilco explains the new goal of Joaquin to save mankind by destroying the Xelvarria—which is the root of evil. From then, Joaquin starts his quest for the Xelvarria and so his search for his family.
Catch Joaquin Bordado and witness the powers of his unnatural tattoos only at Watch the full streaming of the complete episodes on’s website at: Enjoy. ;-)