Encantadia is a Pinoy serye aired in GMA network and directed by Mark Reyes and Gil Tejada, Jr. The plot of the story begins when Raquim travels in the world of humans to escape from the Hathors led by Hagorn, and who desires to have all the four jewels in his hand to rule the entire Encantadia. Hagorn succeeds in killing Raquim though Amihan promises his father that she would avenge his father’s death.
As Amihan reunites with his three other sisters Pirena, Alena, and Danaya, the four Sang’gre sisters face another test since Mine-a (Ynang Reyna), is about to choose who among the four sisters is about to replace her in the throne and rule Encantadia. The four diwatas/ Sang’gres faced a lot of tests and conflicts in their relationship though they have successfully surpassed everything in the end as each of them learns the importance of practicing the virtues of humility, patience, and love.
Encantadia implicitly shares its moral lesson that Love conquers all as it is the answer to questions in life. It heals all kinds of wounds (literal and emotional wounds) and all of mankind’s hatred. This is a ‘must-see’ Philippine tv show which is very values-oriented and timely in our present scenario, making it suitable and entertaining for viewers of all ages.
Encantadia's full streaming of episodes is now available at MyPinoy.tv (http://MyPinoy.tv)--your official and licensed Filipino streaming website which caters to your desire for PINOY quality entertainment. :-)
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